Christophe Cerisara



Content of today’s course

  • Concepts of attention
  • costs, KV cache
  • Flash attention
  • Implementation with tensors in Pytorch


  • Intuition: transform word emb. using related context words
  • See Lilian Weng blog

Year Authors Contribution
2014 Graves et al attention for Neural Turing Machines
2014 Bahdanau attention application to NLP
2015 Luong attention application to NLP
2015 Xu et al. soft/global & hard/local
2016 Cheng, Dong and Lapata self-att LSTMN
2017 Vaswani et al. transformer, 120k citations

KQV translation

\[\begin{equation} {\scriptsize{ \alpha_i = \frac {\exp(\text{score}(q,k_i))} {\sum_j \exp(\text{score}(q,k_j))} }} \end{equation}\] \[\begin{equation} {\scriptsize{ v' = \sum_i \alpha_i v_i }} \end{equation}\]

Similarity score

name  score ref
content-based cosine\((q,k)\) Graves14
additive  \(v^T \tanh (W[q,k])\) Bahdanau15
location-based \(\alpha = \text{softmax}(Wq)\) Luong15
general \(q^T W k\)  Luong15
dot-product \(q^T k\)  Luong15
scaled \(\cdot\) \(\frac {q^t k} {\sqrt{d}}\) Vaswani17

Scaled dot-product?

  • Assume input E[k]=0 var(k)=1 \[var(xy) = (var(x)+E[x]^2)(var(y)+E[y]^2) - E[x]^2E[y]^2\]
  • \(k\) and \(q\) independent: \(E[kq]=E[k]E[q]=0\) \[var(k_i q_i) = (var(k_i)+E[k_i]^2)(var(q_i)+E[q_i]^2) - E[k_i]^2E[q_i]^2 = 1\]
  • Output variance: \[var\left(\sum_i k_iq_i\right) = \sum_i var(k_iq_i) = d\]


  • Cheng 2016: use same sentence both for K and Q
  • Often represented by a heat map over the words of the sentence

  • Is attention interpretable? Does it enable explainability?
  • No: cf. Why Attentions May Not Be Interpretable?
    • Combinatorial shortcuts: attention carry extra info for next layers
  • Other approaches: Integrated gradients, SHAP…

Matrix formulation

  • arrange all keys \(k_i\) as a matrix \(K \in R^{N \times d}\)
    • each vector \(k_i\) is a row of the matrix
  • same for all queries \(q_i\) as \(Q \in R^{N \times d}\)

  • \(A=\)sofmax\((QK^T)\)
    • for each row, column, or globally?

  • This matrix product outputs the new V = weighted sum of original V
  • Beware of dimensions!

Self-attention with scaled dot-product:

\[V'=\text{softmax}\left(\frac {QK^T}{\sqrt{d}}\right)V\]


  • The cost of \(QK^T\) is in \(O(n^2d)=O(n^2)\) operations
  • But each of the \(n^2\) dot products can be computed in parallel, so we have \(O(1)\) sequential operations
    • Transformers are well adapted to GPU!
  • Compare to RNN: \(O(n)\) sequential operations

from https://slds-lmu.github.io/seminar_nlp_ss20/attention-and-self-attention-for-nlp.html

Layer Complexity Seq. op
recurrent \(O(nd^2)\) \(O(n)\)
conv \(O(knd^2)\) \(O(1)\)
transformer \(O(n^2d)\) \(O(1)\)
sparse transf \(O(n\sqrt{n})\) \(O(1)\)
reformer \(O(n\log n)\) \(O(\log (n))\)
linformer \(O(n)\) \(O(1)\)
linear transf. \(O(n)\) \(O(1)\)

Training: Masked self-attention

  • During training, the decoder is trained on sentence “The cat sat on the mat”:
    • Step 1: loss = \(p("The"|\emptyset)\)
    • Step 2: loss = \(p("cat"|"The")\)
    • Step 3: loss = \(p("sat"|"The cat")\)
  • This is causal LM
  • We could give the decoder 6 sub-sentences (“The”, “The cat”, …)
  • But it’s more efficient to give it the full sentence, and train with a causal mask:

Inference: KV cache

\[Q,K \in R^{N\times d}\] \[QK^T \in R^{N\times N}\]

  • So storing \(QK^T\) requires \(O(n^2)\) memory
  • A decoder (GPT) generates each token with auto-regression:
    • Each step recomputes self-att with \(N \leftarrow N+1\)
    • We are recomputing each time the same attentions!
  • Solution: save the already computed \(K\) and \(V\):

KV cache

  • KV cache leads to
    • faster matrix computations
    • more memory to store cache
  • New enhancements:
    • KV cache quantization

Flash Attention

  • Bottleneck: memory I/O
    • High Bandwidth Memory = large but slow
    • GPU on-chip SRAM = small but fast
  • Solution:
    • fused kernels for self-att
    • stay on-chip

Flash Attention 2

  • Divides and parallelizes the computation with the K and V matrices

Flash Attention 3

  • adapted to H100 GPU
  • overlap warped matmuls and softmax
  • FP8 “incoherent processing” (see QuiP) = multiplies the query and key with a random orthogonal matrix to “spread out” the outliers and reduce quantization error

Kernel optim on CPU

  • see https://justine.lol/matmul/

  • matmul on python: 0.042 GFLops

  • numpy (FORTRAN): 29 GFlops

  • reimplementation of numpy in C++: 47 GFlops

  • BLAS with multithreading: 85 GFlops

  • llama.cpp (focus matrix-vec): 233 GFlops

  • Intel’s MKL (closed source): 384 GFlops

  • OpenMP(512x512 matrix): 810 GFlops

  • exported in llamafile: 790 GFlops

Hands on