Efficient LLMs


Slides: www.cerisara.fr

Christophe Cerisara: cerisara@loria.fr

Course topics

  • Definition, motivation
    • Which LLM to finetune?
    • Costs
  • PEFT methods
    • sequential adapter, prefix tuning, ladder-side-networks
    • Lottery-ticket sparse finetuning
    • qLoRA
    • finetuning and knowledge
  • Prunning, compression, distillation
  • Practice: language transfer

What is PEFT?

  • PEFT = Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning
  • It’s just finetuning, but cost-effective:
    • only few parameters are finetuned
    • cheaper to train
    • cheaper to distribute

When do we need finetuning?

  • Improve accuracy, adapt LLM behaviour
  • Finetuning use cases:
    • Follow instructions, chat…
    • Align with user preferences
    • Adapt to domain: healthcare, finance…
    • Improve on a target task
  • So finetuning is just training on more data?
  • Yes:
    • Same training algorithm (SGD)
  • No:
    • different hyperparms (larger learning rate…)
    • different type of data
      • higher quality, focused on task
    • far less training data, so much cheaper
    • not the same objective:
      • adaptation to domain/style/task/language…

Pretrained LLM compromise

  • Training an LLM is fundamentally a compromise:
    • training data mix: % code/FR/EN…
    • text styles: twitter/books/PhD…
  • Pretraining data mix defines where the LLM excels
  • Finetuning modifies this equilibrum to our need
  • The art of pretraining:
    • finding the balance that fits most target users’ expectation
    • finding the balance that maximizes the LLM’s capacities + adaptability
      • e.g., pretraining only on medical data gives lower performance even in healthcare, because of limited data size and lack of variety.
  • But for many specialized tasks, pretrained LLM does not give the best performance:
    • Finetuning adapts this compromise
  • So finetuning is required for many specialized domains:
    • enterprise documentations
    • medical, finance…
  • But it is costly to do for large LLMs:
    • collecting, curating, cleaning, formatting data
    • tracking training, preventing overfitting, limiting forgetting
    • large LLMs require costly hardware to train
  • For instance, finetuning LLama3.1-70b requires GPUs with approx. 1TB of VRAM
    • = 12x A100-80GB
  • Can’t we avoid finetuning at all, but still adapt the LLM to our task?

If the LLM good enough, no need to finetune?

  • Alternative: prompting
    • “Be direct and answer with short responses”
    • “Play like the World’s chess champion”
  • Alternative: memory/long context/RAG
    • “Adapt your answers to all my previous interactions with you”
  • Alternative: function calling
    • “Tell me about the events in July 2024”

Is it possible to get a good enough LLM?

  • more data is always best (even for SmolLM!)
  • So why not training the largest LLM ever on all data and use it everywhere?
    • Usage cost
    • Obsolescence
    • Data bottleneck
    • So far, not good enough for most cases!

  • Better approach (in 2024):
    • For each task (domain, language):
      • gather “few” data
      • adapt an LLM to the task
  • Because it is done multiple times, training costs become a concern
    • Parameter-efficient training (PEFT)

Which pretrained LLM to finetune?

  • Option 1: large LLM
    • benefit from best capacities
    • fine for not-so-much specialized tasks
    • high cost
  • Option 2: “small” LLM
    • fine for very specialized task
    • low cost
    • hype: small agent LLMs, smolLM
  • larger LLM \(\rightarrow\) less forgetting


  • Which LLM to finetune?
    • Depends on the task and expected performance, robustness…
  • Collect quality data
    • Finetuning data must be high quality!
  • Format data
    • Format similar to final task
    • FT on raw text may impact instruction following
  • Track & prevent overfitting, limit forgetting
  • Cost of finetuning may be high


  • Cost of inference << cost of finetuning
    • quantization: we don’t know (yet) how to finetune well quantized LLMs; so finetuning requires 16 or 32 bits
    • inference: no need to store all activations: compute each layer output from it’s input only
    • inference: no need to store gradients, momentum
  • Inference can be done with RAM = nb of parameters / 2
  • Full finetuning requires RAM = \(11\times\) nb of parameters (according to Eleuther-AI), \(12-20\times\) according to UMass
    • 1 parameter byte = +1B (gradient) + 2B (Adam optimizer state: 1st and 2nd gradient moments) (see next slide)
    • Can be reduced to \(\simeq 5\times\):
      • gradient checkpointing
      • special optimizers (1bitAdam, Birder…)
      • offloading…
  • Adam equations:
    • \(m^{(t)} = \beta_1 m^{(t-1)} + (1-\beta_1) \nabla L(\theta^{(t-1)})\)
    • \(v^{(t)} = \beta_2 v^{(t-1)} + (1-\beta_2) \left(\nabla L(\theta^{(t-1)})\right)^2\)
    • Bias correction:
      • \(\hat m^{(t)} = \frac {m^{(t)}}{1-\beta_1}\)
      • \(\hat v^{(t)} = \frac {v^{(t)}}{1-\beta_2}\)
    • \(\theta^{(t)} = \theta^{(t-1)} - \lambda\frac{\hat m^{(t)}} {\sqrt{\hat v^{(t)}} + \epsilon}\)
  • PEFT greatly reduce RAM requirements:
    • can keep LLM parameters frozen and quantized (qLoRA)
    • store gradients + momentum only in 1% of parameters
  • But:
    • still need to backpropagate gradients through the whole LLM and save all activations
    • with large data, PEFT underperforms full finetuning

VRAM usage

Method Bits 7B 13B 30B 70B 110B 8x7B 8x22B
Full 32 120GB 240GB 600GB 1200GB 2000GB 900GB 2400GB
Full 16 60GB 120GB 300GB 600GB 900GB 400GB 1200GB
LoRA/GaLore/BAdam 16 16GB 32GB 64GB 160GB 240GB 120GB 320GB
QLoRA 8 10GB 20GB 40GB 80GB 140GB 60GB 160GB
QLoRA 4 6GB 12GB 24GB 48GB 72GB 30GB 96GB
QLoRA 2 4GB 8GB 16GB 24GB 48GB 18GB 48GB

Training methods

Method data notes
Pretraining >10T Full training
Cont. pretr. \(\simeq 100\)b update: PEFT?
Finetuning 1k … 1b Adapt to task: PEFT
Few-Shot learning < 1k Guide, help the LLM


  • With enough compute, prefer full-finetuning
    • HF transformer, deepspeed, llama-factory, axolotl…
  • With 1 “small” GPU, go for PEFT
    • qLoRA…
  • Without any GPU: look for alternatives
    • Prompting, RAG…

PEFT methods

PEFT: Principle

  • do not finetune all of the LLM parameters
  • finetune/train a small number of (additional) parameters


We’ll focus on a few

  • Additive finetuning: add new parameters
    • Adapter-based: sequential adapter
    • soft-prompt: prefix tuning
    • others: ladder-side-networks
  • Partial finetuning: modify existing parameters
    • Lottery-ticket sparse finetuning
  • Reparameterization finetuning: “reparameterize” weight matrices
    • qLoRA
  • Hybrid finetuning: combine multiple PEFT
    • manually: MAM, compacter, UniPELT
    • auto: AutoPEFT, S3Delta-M
  • Unified finetuning: unified framework
    • AdaMix: MoE of LoRA or adapters
    • SparseAdapter: prune adapters
    • ProPETL: share masked sub-nets

Sequential adapters

\[X=(RELU(X\cdot W_{down})) \cdot W_{up} + X\]


\[W_{down} \in R^{d\times k}~~~~W_{up} \in R^{k\times d}\]

  • Advantages:
  • Drawbacks:
    • Full backprop required
  • Interesting extensions
    • Parallel Adapter (parallel peft > sequential peft)
    • CoDA: skip tokens in the main branch, not in the parallel adapter
    • Tiny-Attention adapter: uses small attn as adapter
    • Adapter Fusion: (see next slide)
  • Train multiple adapters, then train fusion

Prefix tuning

  • Concat \(P_k,P_v \in R^{l\times d}\) before \(K,V\) \[head_i = Attn(xW_q^{(i)}, concat(P_k^{(i)},CW_k^{(i)}), concat(P_v^{(i)},CW_v^{(i)})\]
  • with \(C=\)context, \(l=\)prefix length
  • ICLR22 shows some form of equivalence:

  • Advantages:
    • More expressive than adapters, as it modifies every attention head
    • One of the best PEFT method at very small parameters budget
  • Drawbacks:
    • Does not benefit from increasing nb of parameters
    • Limited to attention head, while adapters may adapt FFN…
    • … and adapting FFN is always better

Performance comparison

qLoRA = LoRA + quantized LLM

  • Advantages:
    • de facto standard: supported in nearly all LLM frameworks
    • Many extensions, heavily developped, so good performances
    • can be easily merged back into the LLM
  • Drawbacks:
    • Full backprop required

Adapter lib v3

  • AdapterHubv3 integrates several family of adapters:
    • Bottleneck = sequential
    • Compacter = adapter with Kronecker prod to get up/down matrices
    • Parallel
    • Prefix, Mix-and-Match = combination Parallel + Prefix
  • Uniformisation of PEFT functions: add_adapter(), train_adapter()
  • heads after adapters: add_classification_head(), add_multiple_choice_head()
  • In HF lib, you can pre-load multiple adapters and select one active:
model.add_adapter(lora_config, adapter_name="adapter_1")
model.add_adapter(lora_config, adapter_name="adapter_2")


  • Advantages:
    • Do not backprop in the main LLM!
    • Only requires forward passes in the main LLM
  • Drawbacks:
    • LLM is just a “feature provider” to another model
    • \(\simeq\) enhanced “classification/generation head on top”
  • Forward pass can be done “layer by layer” with “pipeline parallelism”
    • load 1 layer \(L_i\) in RAM
    • pass the whole corpus \(y_i=L_i(x_i)\)
    • free memory and iterate with \(L_{i+1}\)
  • LST: done only once for the whole training session!

Partial finetuning

  • Add a linear layer on top and train it
    • LLM = features provider
  • You may further backprop gradients deeper in the top-N LLM layers
    • … Or just FT the top-N layers without any additional parameters
  • Simple, old-school, it usually works well
  • Fill the continuum between full FT and classifier head FT:
    • can FT top 10%, 50%, 80% params
    • or FT bottom 10%, 50% params
    • or FT intermediate layers / params
    • or apply a sparse mask?

Lottery-ticket sparse finetuning

  • Lottery Ticket Hypothesis:
    • Each neural network contains a sub-network (winning ticket) that, if trained again in isolation, matches the performance of the full model.

  • Advantages:
    • Can remove 90% parameters nearly without loss in performances (on image tasks)
  • Drawbacks:
    • Impossible to find the winning mask without training first the large model
  • can be applied to sparse FT

  • FT an LLM on specific task/lang

  • extract the mask = params that change most

  • rewind the LLM and re-FT with mask

  • sparse finetunes can be combined without overlapping!


  • Various PEFT methods:
    • Reduce model storage? RAM requirements?
    • Require backprop through the LLM?
    • Additional inference cost?

Finetuning (PEFT or full): advantages

  • greatly improve performances on a target task, language, domain
  • dig knowledge up to the surface, ready to use
  • give the LLM desirable capacities: instruction-following, aligned with human preferences…

Finetuning (PEFT or full): drawbacks

Memorization, forgetting

Pretraining and FT use same basic algorithm (SGD): what is the difference?

  • Difference in scale:
    • Pretraining ingests trillions of tokens
    • Finetuning uses up to millions of tokens
  • This leads to differences in regimes / behaviour:
    • Pretraining learns new information
    • Finetuning exhumes information it already knows

Why such a difference in regimes?

  • Because of the way SGD works:
    • When it sees one piece of information, it partially stores it in a few parameters
    • But not enough to retrieve it later!
    • When it sees it again, it accumulates it in its weights \(\rightarrow\) Memorization
    • If it never sees it again, it will be overriden \(\rightarrow\) Forgetting
  • Finetuning hardly learns new knowledge:
    • small data \(\rightarrow\) not enough exposure
    • Why not repeat 1000x the finetuning dataset?
  • Because previous knowledge will be forgotten!

Why doesn’t pretraining forget?

  • It does!
  • But by shuffling the dataset, each information is repeated all along training
  • So how to add new knowledge?
    • continued pretraining: replay + new data
    • RAG, external knowledge databases
    • LLM + tools (e.g., web search)
    • knowledge editing (see ROME, MEND…)

Take home message

  • PEFT is used to adapt to a domain, not to add knowledge
  • RAG/LLM agents are used to add knowledge (but not at scale)

Prunning, compression, distillation

  • Finetuning/PEFT keep the same model size
  • Smaller LLMs are desirable for deployment; what is best?
    • Train a small-LM from scratch?
    • Reduce the size of a LLM?

Model size reduction

  • Best method: quantization
  • Astonishing method: pruning (Lottery ticket)
  • Principled method: compression (LoRA, LORD)
  • Flexible method: distillation


  • Basic: magnitude pruning
    • principle: remove the least important parameters
    • = parameters with smallest magnitude
    • can remove 10% to 20% without too much degradation
  • Enhancement: iterative magnitude pruning
    • magnitude pruning (e.g., -5%)
    • retrain to compensate for degradation
    • iterate
  • Why retraining is needed? \(\rightarrow\) geometric interpretation
  • Let’s consider the loss landscape:
    • dim 1, 2, …, N-1: all parameters
    • dim N: loss (= error) on corpus
  • We want to find a minimum in this landscape
  • Traditional Machine Learning theory:
    • search for global optimum

  • Deep learning discoveries:
    • all local minima are also global
    • minina are linearly connected \(\rightarrow\) valleys
    • search for local minima good enough

  • Lottery Ticket Hypothesis suggests pruning has a huge potential
    • But in practice, no savings in memory/compute!
  • Unstructured pruning = remove individual parameters
    • Enables largest pruning levels: Wanda: -50% parameters
    • But no gain in memory nor compute!
  • Structured pruning = remove blocks of parameters
    • depth pruning: remove layers
    • width pruning: decrease vectors’ dimensionality
    • loss decreases more: requires finetuning
  • SparseGPT: solve for optimal masks (MSE)
  • Wanda: prune based on magnitude \(\times\) input activations
  • SliceGPT: prune dims & compensates on next matrix
  • LLM Pruner: prune less important global path
  • ShearedLlama: IMP + continued pretraining
  • Pruning wrapup:
    • Active research field
    • Less powerful than quantization (but complementary) to reduce size
    • Preferred: quantization, distillation
    • Ex: NVIDIA minitron
      • width + depth pruning
      • followed by distillation (after FT teacher on distillation dataset)

Compression: low-rank

  • Instead of removing parameters, replace matrix \((W\in R^{d\times d}) \simeq (A\in R^{k\times d}) \times (B\in R^{d\times k})\)
  • Similar to LoRA, but replaces matrices: cf. LORD paper
  • Weight matrices are high rank, but activation covariances are low rank

Compression: quantization

  • Principle: no need of high precision parameters!
    • 2012: 16-bits better than 32-bits, because of regularization
      • True for LLM parameters (inference)
      • But LLM training requires 32-bits gradients/activations
      • Proposed bf16, better for LLM training
    • Reducing to 8 bits requires remapping distributions
      • current researches on FP8 vs. INT8 training
  • But after training, quantizing to 4-bits is standard in 2024
    • Enable local usage of LLMs: llama.cpp, llamafile, ollama, vllama…
    • Quant libs: bits&bytes, gptq, awq…
    • Quantized file format: (GGML), GGUF models
  • Research for inference on 2 bits, even ternary LLMs
  • WIP: Non-uniform compression, 3 bits (QuIP#), 2.5 bits, ternary, 1 bit


  • On a (unlabeled) dataset, a (large) teacher LLM outputs labels, logits, latent representations
  • A (small) student model is trained to reproduce these outputs

  • Keys to LLM distillation:
    • design prompt to elicit knowledge or skills
      • e.g., student learns to mimic the reasoning process (via CoT)
    • data augmentation
      • starting from seed knowledge, generate data (diverse, with reasoning…)
  • Distillation algorithms:
    • supervised finetuning
    • divergence minimization
    • reinforcement learning
    • rank optimization
  • Teacher elicit knowledge by:
    • labeling: generate labels
    • expansion: generate similar data
    • curation: generate data from topic/entity/…
    • feature: output logits and latent representations
    • feedback: teacher correct student generations
    • self-knowledge: student self-filters its outputs (Self-Instruct, Self-Align, RLCD, Impossible distillation, LMSI, ReST, Self-Play, Self-Rewarding…)
  • Skill distillation
    • Context following: instruction (Evol-Instruct, Instruction fusion), code, maths, expert (SelFee, reflection tuning, DEITA, MUFFIN…)
    • Multi-turn dialogue: UltraChat, UltraLlama
    • RAG: SAIL, KARD, Slef-Rag
    • Alignment: DEBATunE, Imitation Learning from Language Feedback, ALMoST, Conditioned-RLFT
    • Agent: ToolFormer, Gorilla, ToolAlpaca, ToolLLM, ToolLlama, CRAFT, Confucius, FireAct, TPTU, AUTOACT…
    • NLP tasks
    • Multi-modality
  • Verticalization distillation:
    • Domain specific: law, healthcare, finance, science…
    • Methods:
      • continued pretraining followed by fine-tuning from self-constructed and augmented data
      • augmented domain-specific dialogues, QAs
      • self-instruct for science papers: DARWIN, teacher answers questions: SciGLM…
  • Advantages of distillation vs. pretraining
    • High quality data
    • Richer information than standard causal LM, e.g., logits, latent representations
    • \(\rightarrow\) requires less training data
  • Drawbacks
    • Requires a teacher model
    • The teacher model is an “upper bound” (?)
  • Challenge: reduce distillation cost: pruning, PEFT…
  • Layer-wise distillation:
    • Force the student to have the “same” latent representations than the teacher
    • adds a 3rd loss = MSE between the layer’s activations (A matrix is also learned to map the dimensions)
  • Less is More, ICML23:
    • Trains a teacher-filter from each layer’s activations to do the task (e.g., next token pred)
    • Jointly distill the student + a student-filter \(\rightarrow\) only important knowledge is distilled

  • Content inspired from slides by Dr. Simon Ostermann

Thank you!

Contact: cerisara@loria.fr