CNRS, LORIA, Synalp team
(from Denny Zhou, Google)
Elon Musk | nk |
Bill Gates | ls |
Perform last letter concatenation, as shown in these two examples. Words: Elon Musk Answer: nk Words: Bill Gates Answer: ls Words: Barack Obama Answer:
[…] So, the concatenation would be ka
Baidu paper 2017
\(L=\) pretraining loss
Google 2022: paper1, paper2 Flops, Upstream (pretraining), Downstream (acc on 17 tasks), Params
“Scaling Laws for Precision” (Nov, 2024)
can be applied to sparse FT
FT an LLM on specific task/lang
extract the mask = params that change most
rewind the LLM and re-FT with mask
sparse finetunes can be combined without overlapping!
Next: work of Yaya Sy, Ph.D. student in Synalp
\[\widehat{\Delta \Theta^{(i)}} = \underset{{\Delta \Theta^{(i)}}}{\mathrm{argmin}} \;\; \mathcal{L}^{(i)}(Y^{(i)}, \; \widehat{Y}^{(i)})\]
\[\mathcal{L}^{(i)} = \sum_{t=1}^{b} \left[ \frac{1}{D} \left\| Y^{(i)}_{t} - \widehat{Y}^{(i)}_{t} \right\|_1 - \log \sigma \left( \cos \left( Y^{(i)}_{t}, \widehat{Y}^{(i)}_{t} \right) \right) \right]\]
Happy to chat!,