Christophe Cerisara


LLM: introduction

  • dates: check monade.univ-lorraine.fr!
LLM fundamentals embeddings, ranking loss
properties scaling laws, emergence
usage, adaptation local usage: ZSL, FSL, ICT, FT
training pretraining
transforming compression, pruning, distillation, merging
mastering best practices

Every topic

  • course
  • practice
  • MCQ

Course requirements:

  • Basics of python
  • Access to a computer (in & outside class)
    • With python + pytorch + transformers installed
    • Internet access in & outside class (eduroam)
  • Any question:

LLM concepts

Objectives and design

  • Why using an LLM?
    • Bring world knowledge & reasoning
    • Manipulate natural languages
    • generic tools
  • But for specific data/task
    • xgboost is better

Choice of LLM

  • Want to solve a task:
    • Download pretrained LLMs
    • Adapt to a task
    • Merge, compress them
    • deploy, integrate (agents)
    • Evaluate
  • Want to build LLM:
    • Design LLM architecture
    • Gather, preprocess data
    • Design training algos, toolings
    • Track training, evaluate
    • Release
  • Recent architectures
    • Focus on representations: embeddings
    • Focus on generation:
      • Transformer-based LM
      • MoE
      • SSM: S4, Mamba
      • Diffusion

Content of today’s course

  • Concepts of embeddings
  • History and evolution of embeddings
  • Training embeddings
  • Controlling the embeddings space: contrastive loss
  • Embeddings and RAG
  • Tokenization

Importance of embeddings

  • Embedding = representation of input into a vector space
  • Input = words (BERT), sentences (SBERT, E5, BGE), captioned images (CLIP)…
  • Used for:
    • retrieval (RAG)
    • multimodal models

One-hot encoding

  • Orthogonal normed vectors: all words are equal
  • Can be processed with matrix algebra
  • But high dim and fixed vocabulary
  • highly sub-optimal (symetries)

Word embedding

  • Goal: low-dim vectors separated by semantics distances

Cosine similarity: \(sim(w,u)=\frac {u \cdot v}{||u||~~||v||}\)

Training word embeddings

  • How to build a semantic embedding space?
  • Using distributional hypothesis: “You shall know a word by the company it keeps” [Firth, 1957]
  • Implementations:
    • Probabilistic Models
    • Vector Space Models
    • Neural embeddings

Probabilistic models

  • Blei, Ng and Jordan, 2003
  • Latent Dirichlet Allocation: learn the distributions
    • P(word | topic) and P(topic | document)
    • P(topic | document) == document embedding
  • Can infer P(topic | word) == (explainable) word embedding!

Vector space models

  • Word embedding = vector of nb of occurrences of word in each document
    • == term-document matrix
  • But high dim, noisy
  • Methods to “compress” the matrix:
    • Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) (1990), HAL (1997), BEAGLE (2007), Glove (2014)
    • Special case: random indexing (2006)

Random indexing

  • Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma: projection into random high-dim subspace approx. preserves distances

  • Init: each word \(w\) is assigned an index random sparse vector \(I_w\), and a context null vector \(C_w\).

  • For every \(u\) in the context of \(w\): \(C_w \leftarrow C_w + I_u\)

  • Very fast

  • Incremental

Neural static embeddings

  • “word embedding” proposed by Bengio in 2003
  • Collobert embeddings (2008): trained on NLP tasks
  • Word-to-vec (Mikolov, 2013): trained to predict context
  • Problems: OOV? Polysemy? MWE?…

Contextual embeddings

  • Recompute an embedding for every context
  • “The XLS table” vs. “The cat sat on the table
  • ELMo: char-based, LM training, bi-dir RNN
  • BERT: subwords, Masked-LM training, transformer (encoder)
  • GPT: BPE, LM training, transformer (decoder)
  • XLNet: improved BERT, permutation-LM training, transformer-XL

Sentence embeddings

  • NN-LM (Bengio): \(s = P(w_t|w_1,\dots,w_{t-1})\)
  • Averaging word embeddings: \(s=\frac 1 T \sum_t w_t\)
  • Doc2Vec (Mikolov): Avg with paragraph vector
  • Skip-thought: generates context sentences
  • Quick-thought: classifies candidates context sentences
  • InferSent: trained on NLI
  • Universal sentence encoder (Google, 2018): Deep Averaging Network
  • Sentence BERT (2019)


  • Gensim: LDA, LSI, TFIDF, W2V, Doc2Vec…
  • SpaCy: BERT, XLNET…
  • FastText: multilingual, fast and large W2V
  • SentEval: Skipthought, UnivSE, InferSent
  • HF Transformers: includes all

GPT computes an embedding that contains information about the whole sentence, so why isn’t it used as a sentence embedding?

Contrastive training

  • Compute emb for sent A and B; when sentences are paraphrase, minimize \(|s_A-s_B|\); when they’re different, maximize it.

  • See also metric learning, siamese networks, ranking loss
  • This enables to control / shape the embedding space the way we want
  • used for:
    • Pretrained Dense Retrieval in RAG:
      • best model as of July 2024: gte-Qwen2-7b-instruct
    • multimodal models (CLIP)

Contrastive losses

  • pair-wise loss:

\[L=\biggl\{\begin{matrix} d(s_A,s_B) & if~~Positive Pair\\ \max(0,m-d(s_A,s_B)) & if~~Negative Pair \end{matrix}\]

  • triplet loss: \(L=\max(d(s_A,s_P) - d(s_A,s_N) + \epsilon, 0)\)
  • gives better embedding space
  • InfoNCE: \(N\) batches with \(M\) samples: 1 positive (0) and \(M-1\) negative (\(1\dots M-1\)):

\[L= - \frac 1 N \sum_{i=1}^N \log \frac{e^{sim(s_{A_i},s_0)}}{\frac 1 M \sum_{j=0}^{M} e^{sim(s_{A_i},s_j)}}\]

  • Let \(c\) be a context vector, \(X\) a batch of \(N\) obs with one positive: \(x_i\)
  • We want to maximize the prob \(p(i|X,c)\) that a model classifies \(i\) as positive: \[p(i|X,c) = \frac {p(X|i,c)p(i|c)}{p(X|c)}\]
  • \(X\) are iid, so \(p(X|i,c)=\prod_j p(x_j|i,c)\)
  • only the positive sample depends on \(c\), the others are noise: \(p(X|i,c)=p(x_i|c)\prod_{j\neq i} p(x_j)\)
  • denominator: we don’t know the positive, so: \[p(X|c) = \sum_j p(X|c,j) p(j|c)\]
  • we assume no privileged position for positive, so the num and denom \(p(i|c)\) cancels out
  • we can decompose the denominator as the numerator, giving: \[p(i|X,c) = \frac{p(x_i|c)\prod_{l\neq i} p(x_l)}{\sum_{j=1}^N p(x_j|c)\prod_{l\neq j}p(x_l)} = \frac{\frac{p(x_i|c)}{p(x_i)}}{\sum_{j=1}^N \frac{p(x_j|c)}{p(x_j)}}\]
  • We see a score function \(f(x,c) = \frac{p(x|c)}{p(x)}\)
  • Let \(f\) be a log-linear model: \(f(x,c) = \exp(x^TWc)\) with parameter \(W\)
  • maximizing this proba is eq. to minimizing the loss: \[L_N = -E_X \left[\log \frac{f(x_i,c)}{\sum_{x_j\in X} f(x_j,c)}\right]\]
  • We can prove: \(I(x,c) \geq \log(N) - L_N\)
  • so minimizing the InfoNCE loss maximizes a lower bound on mutual information
  • So the rationale of this loss is to encode \(x\) and \(c\) (through the score or similarity) to preserve MI between \(x\) and \(c\).
  • Main challenge: how to sample negative examples?
    • easy neg: too far from pos, nothing is learnt
    • hard neg: too close to pos, instable learning
    • semi-hard negatives!

Once an embedding space is trained, how can you use it to directly perform instance-based classification?


  • A token is actually computed on a corpus. Most famous tokenizers: SentencePiece, WordPiece, Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE).
  • BPE:
    • tokenize texts into words, count occurrences
    • split words into chars: “cat”,10 -> “c” “a” “t”, 10
    • merge most frequent pair, e.g., (“a”,“t”) -> (“at”)
    • repeat last step

Tokenizer quality

  • Choosing the right tokenization is important:
    • More tokens -> large embedding matrix
    • Longer tokens have less training instances, but better captures semantics
    • Longer tokens -> smaller context length
  • Tokens must represent well the target texts
    • Multilingual LLMs: language specific tokens
    • Evaluation with: (lower is better)
      • fertility = avg nb of subwords per word
      • % of splitted words

BERT tok fertility:

  • Fertility smaller (closer to 1) shows that the tokens represent well the language/corpus.
  • Comparison of tokenizers:

Tokenizer impact on training costs

  • Smaller fertility leads to smaller training costs, but there’s a compromise (Narayanan, 2021):

\[C=96Flh^2\left( 1+\frac s {6h} + \frac V {16lh} \right)\]

\(s=\) sent length, \(l=\) layers, \(h=\) hidden size, \(V=\) vocabulary, \(F=\) fertility, \(C=\) cost per word of 1 forward-backward.

Tokenizer design

  • Challenge: repeated long seqs may give 1 token!
    • Deduplication during preprocessing
  • Best practices: vocab size:
    • Bloom: 256k
    • GPT3.5: 52k
    • Falcon: 64k
    • Llama2: 32k
    • GPT4: 100k
    • Llama3: 128k
    • Qwen2: 150k
    • Gemma: 256k

paper July 2024

Retrieval Augmented Generation

from link

RAG Tools

  • llamaindex: specialized for RAG
  • langchain
  • haystack
  • Langroid: LLM agents
  • DSPy: prompt optimization

Additional notes

  • Warning: terms ambiguity: in a transformer, where are the “embeddings”?
    • Embeddings = fixed, context-independent, per-token, input vectors
    • Embeddings = context-dependent, per-sentence vector at the output of the encoder (BERT, CLS token)
    • Embeddings (??) = per-sentence vector at the output of the decoder (last token) ?
    • Latent representations: per-token activations at the output of some layers


  • You may use Jupyter notebooks, but they’re bad from soft. eng. point of view:
    • They’re not designed for GIT
    • They’re not designed for collaboration (pair coding, code review, issue tracking, pull requests…)
    • They prevent you from adopting soft. eng. best practices: organize codes into files/dirs, decouple core from interfaces, design patterns, unit testing, continuous integration…