Methodology of AI

  • AI = LLM, deep/machine learning
  • Methodology = knowing important concepts to enable you to choose approaches
  • Topics of the course:
    • Best practices of AI based on LLM, machine learning
    • How to solve problems with LLM/AI? how to choose a model: need to understand properties of most important models
    • How to train / prompt / finetune / adapt a model to your case
    • Quality: how to ensure your training is good; be able to analyze training curves, the output model
    • How to integrate your model within soft. systems
  • Grading in this course:
    • Continuous evaluation
    • automatically corrected MCQs
  • You’re an “AI expert” just recruited by a company.
  • Boss says company’s knowledge (products, procedures…) is stored in 10000 PDFs
  • “I want to have AI just like all the others. Do your magic!”

What do you propose?

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

What are the components of a RAG system?

  • Embedding model
    • encodes all document “paragraphs”
  • Vector store
    • stores all “paragraph” embeddings
  • Retriever
    • Finds 10 most relevant “paragraphs” to question Q
  • LLM
    • Generates answer given 10 retrieved paragraphs and Q
  • Embedding model is from the SBERT family
  • LLM is from the GPT family
  • Both are transformers!

What is the difference between the embedding model and the LLM? Why not a single LLM?

  • Embedder:
    • role: generate an embedding that represents the semantics of the paragraph
    • small: its task is relatively easy: finding the semantically closest paragraphs to the question;
    • fast: there may be many paragraphs to encode
    • size < 1b parameters (usually)
  • LLM:
    • role: understand context and answer question
    • large: its task requires lots of knowledge and reasoning
    • size > 7b parameters (usually)
  • Embedders and LLM ~= transformers

If both embedders and LLM are transformers, what is their difference? (Think training)

  • Goal of embedders = compute 1 semantic embedding vector
    • Training: masked language modeling, contrastive
  • Goal of LLM = generate answer
    • Training: causal language modeling
  • Masked Language Modeling (MLM) objective:
    • mask a random word in the input sentence and ask the model to predict it
  • Causal Language Modeling (LM) objective:
    • remove the end of the input sentence and ask the model to predict the next word
  • In both cases (MLM and LM):
    • we get the embedding \(z \in R^d\) at the output of the transformer
    • we predict the target word \(\hat w \in V\) from \(z\) through a linear classifier:
    • logits = \(y\in R^{|V|}\) = scores for each possible word: \(y = Ez\) with \(E\in R^{|V|\times d}\) \[\hat w = \arg\max_{1\leq i\leq |V|} y_i\]
  • So why is \(z\) good for semantic search with MLM but not with LM?
  • LM: the final \(z\) only contains information about the next word
    • so no information about the input sentence itself!
    • = GPT family
  • MLM: we must be able to reconstruct any word from \(z\)
    • so the input sentence must be fully contained within \(z\)
    • = BERT family


  • Implement a RAG using only python and ollama
  • Several libraries enable implement RAG: transformers, sentence-transformers, llamaindex, langchain, haystack, DSPy…
  • We’ll use ollama, which main advantages are:
    • Designed to be ready-to-use & easy-to-learn
    • Designed to run locally on laptops
    • It is fast, uses 4-bits models by default, supports embeddings and LLMs
  • Data
    • we’ll use headlines scrapped from France Info in 2024
    • The goal is to be able to query the LLM about recent news in French and with the French point of view
  • Embedding model:
    • Embedding model: must support French, be lightweight
    • See the HF MTEB leaderboard
    • We’ll use the paraphrase-multilingual-minilm
  • LLM model:
    • Must be good in French, and lightweight
    • We’ll use Qwen2.5-7b quantized in 4 bits (reqs: RAM > 8GB)
  • Here’s a code you can copy/paste in your python environment
import ollama
from numpy.linalg import norm
import numpy as np

# first download data: wget

# embedding model:

def find_most_similar(needle, haystack):
    needle_norm = norm(needle)
    similarity_scores = [, item) / (needle_norm * norm(item)) for item in haystack
    return sorted(zip(similarity_scores, range(len(haystack))), reverse=True)

SYSTEM_PROMPT = """You are a helpful reading assistant who answers questions 
        based on snippets of text provided in context. Answer only using the context provided, 
        being as concise as possible. If you're unsure, just say that you don't know.

with open("frnews.txt","r") as f: lines = f.readlines()
bdd = []
for i,l in enumerate(lines):
    if i>=50: break
    # see
    embeddings = ollama.embeddings(model=em, prompt=l)["embedding"]
print("bdd built")

q="Dans quelle ville y a-t-il eu des canicules ?\n"
prompt_embedding = ollama.embeddings(model=em, prompt=q)["embedding"]
most_similar_chunks = find_most_similar(prompt_embedding, bdd)[:1]

response =
                "role": "system",
                "content": SYSTEM_PROMPT
                + "\n".join([lines[x[1]] for x in most_similar_chunks]),
            {"role": "user", "content": q},

# see
  • TODO:
    • run the code and check that it’s working fine
    • try to increase the size of the vector-DB (50 for now) and optionally store the vectors on disk so that they don’t have to be recomputed if it’s too slow
    • invent 5 questions that have an answer in your database, and post them here
    • (opt) Find another domain than FR news with documents (often PDFs, but they need to be converted into text) and adapt this code for this other domain
  • Notes:
    • when the database becomes large, you must use specialized vector databases and/or specialized search library like Meta FAISS.
    • in practice, most common issues with RAG come from the retriever, which does not get the “most relevant” documents;
    • real RAG applications require adapting the retriever to business concepts: e.g., with FR news, the “date” should be a primary key to retrieve relevant context and should be handled separately.
    • many enhancements of this basic RAG pipeline have been proposed.

Contrastive training

  • You have seen MLM and LM training
  • But RAG embedders \(\neq\) vanilla BERT
  • Embedders \(\in\) SBERT (sentence-BERT) family
    • continue training BERT contrastively
  • Why vanilla BERT are not good enough embedders?
  • Because vanilla BERT produces an embedding space where paraphrases are not always close together
  • Contrastive learning is a training objective to:
    • Control the “shape” of the embedding space
    • align multimodal embeddings
  • BERT is not good enough: similar words are not close enough in its embedding space.

  • def: embedding space = vector (\(\in R^d\)) that BERT outputs for each word in the sentence. If you pass into BERT every English sentences, you obtain the full embedding space.

  • Let’s verify!

TP: visualizing embeddings

  • Download distilBERT, compute the embeddings for a few sentences with paraphrases or not
  • Compute distances and project embeddings in 2D with t-SNE to plot them
  • Study the proximity (or not) of paraphrases

Hints below…

  • SNE
    • \(p_{j|i}=\) proba that point i pick j as neighbor (computed from distance btw points)
    • \(q_{j|i}=\) same proba in the lower dim
    • minimize KL-div btw both probs
  • t-SNE
    • same as SNE but symetrize probs: better convergence
  • UMAP
    • founded on manifold theory
    • use similarities instead of probs
    • use Cross-Entropy instead of KL
    • use SGD instead of GD
pip install transformers[torch]
  • Print the embeddings:
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel, pipeline
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('distilbert-base-uncased')
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('distilbert-base-uncased')
nlp = pipeline('feature-extraction', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
s = 'Do you like cakes ?'
features = nlp(s)
print([features[0][i][:2] for i in range(len(features[0]))])
  • Look at the input tokens:
inputs = tokenizer.encode_plus(s, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors="pt")
input_ids = inputs["input_ids"].tolist()[0]
text_tokens = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(input_ids)
  • Compute the distance between 2 embedding vectors:
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
  • project a distance matrix:
from sklearn import manifold
tsne = manifold.TSNE(n_components=2, metric="precomputed", perplexity=2)
res =
  • plot a set of 2D points:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter( coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], marker = 'o')

Contrastive objective

  • Compute emb for sent A and B; when sentences are paraphrase, minimize \(|s_A-s_B|\); when they’re different, maximize it.

  • See also metric learning, siamese networks, ranking loss
  • This enables to control / shape the embedding space the way we want
  • used for:
    • Pretrained Dense Retrieval in RAG
    • multimodal models (CLIP)

Contrastive losses

  • pair-wise loss:

\[L=\biggl\{\begin{matrix} d(s_A,s_B) & if~~Positive Pair\\ \max(0,m-d(s_A,s_B)) & if~~Negative Pair \end{matrix}\]

  • triplet loss: \(L=\max(d(s_A,s_P) - d(s_A,s_N) + \epsilon, 0)\)
  • gives better embedding space
  • InfoNCE: \(N\) batches with \(M\) samples: 1 positive (0) and \(M-1\) negative (\(1\dots M-1\)):

\[L= - \frac 1 N \sum_{i=1}^N \log \frac{e^{sim(s_{A_i},s_0)}}{\frac 1 M \sum_{j=0}^{M} e^{sim(s_{A_i},s_j)}}\]

  • Main challenge: how to sample negative examples?
    • easy neg: too far from pos, nothing is learnt
    • hard neg: too close to pos, instable learning
    • semi-hard negatives!

Once an embedding space is trained, how can you use it to directly perform instance-based classification?

  • refs: Lilan Weng blog
  • You compare the unknown embedding with all known (training) embeddings, and assign it the class of the closest known
  • important to understand this method!

TP: contrastive learning

  • plot the distance matrix between sentences when computed with BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5 instead of BERT, compare.
  • Better comparison:
    • Use a corpus annotated with topics instead of a few sentences:
    from datasets import load_dataset
    ds = load_dataset("fancyzhx/ag_news", split='test')

Ranking vs. Cross-ent loss

(see github blog)

  • Train ConvNet on MNIST with 10-class cross-entropy loss
  • No need of tSNE when training: directly define a 2D-embedding space by adding a final linear layer to the model

  • Distance btw classes not good
  • Train a siamese net

  • Distance btw classes are good
  • Train a triplet net

  • Didn’t train for same-class embed. get closer, but trained for same class embed. to be closer than inter-class embed.

Other advantages of ranking loss

  • Cross-Ent loss not robust to noisy labels
  • Many classes are costly with softmax
  • Meaningful dist btw embeddings is desirable (S-BERT)

TP: triplet loss

  • Goal: train an embedding model with triplet loss
    • Until now, you’ve only used already trained embedding models
  • Synthetic data:
    • scalar input, 2 classes \(c\in \{0,1\}\)
    • \(x|c \sim N(\mu_c,\sigma_c=0.1)\)
  • Embedding dim = 5
  • lightning = pytorch library that
    • automates cpu/gpu runtime
    • simplifies training loop
    • generates tensorboard logs
  • pytorch lightning in practice:
    • replace and extend nn.Module:
import pytorch_lightning as pl

class Mod(pl.LightningModule):
    def __init__(self):
        self.W = torch.nn.Linear(1,5)

    def configure_optimizers(self):
        opt = torch.optim.AdamW(self.parameters(), lr = 1e-3)
        return opt

    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        anc, pos, neg = batch
        ea = self.W(anc)
        ep = self.W(pos)
        en = self.W(neg)
        dp = torch.nn.functional.triplet_margin_loss(ea,ep,en)
        self.log("train_loss", dp, on_step=False, on_epoch=True)
        return dp
  • you need a dataset that generates anchors/pos/neg:
class TripDS(
    def __init__(self):

    def __len__(self):
        return 1000

    def __getitem__(self,i):
        if i%2==0:
            # pair: on sample une ancre from class 1
            z = random.randint(0,1)
            if z==0: xa = torch.randn(1)/10.-0.5
            else: xa = torch.randn(1)/10.+1.5
            z = random.randint(0,1)
            if z==0: xp = torch.randn(1)/10.-0.5
            else: xp = torch.randn(1)/10.+1.5
            xn = torch.randn(1)/10.+0.5
            # impair: on sample une ancre from class 2
            xa = torch.randn(1)/10.+0.5
            xp = torch.randn(1)/10.+0.5
            z = random.randint(0,1)
            if z==0: xn = torch.randn(1)/10.-0.5
            else: xn = torch.randn(1)/10.+1.5
        return xa,xp,xn
  • Train:
traindata = TripDS()
trainloader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False)
mod = Mod()
logger = pl.loggers.TensorBoardLogger(save_dir="logs/", flush_secs=1)
trainer = pl.Trainer(limit_train_batches=1.0, max_epochs=1000, log_every_n_steps=1,logger=logger), train_dataloaders=trainloader)
  • TODO:
    • run this training and observe the logs with:
tensorboard --logdir=lightning_logs/
  • does it converge?
  • adap this code so that the model is a 2 layer MLP, the output embedding space is 2D, and plot 100 points with matplotlib before and after training


  • CLIP is a model that builds a joint text/image embedding space
  • uses 2 transformers, resp. for image and text + cosine dist
  • It is trained with a ranking loss: multi-class N-pair loss
    • they show that ranking loss much faster to train
  • Given an input image and several texts, it outputs similarity scores

  • How to use it:
from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel, CLIPTokenizer
from PIL import Image

model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-base-patch32")
processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-base-patch32")
image ="difftrain.png")
inputs = processor(text=["a rabbit","a curve","a chair"], images=image, return_tensors="pt", padding=True)
outputs = model(**inputs)
logits_per_image = outputs.logits_per_image  # this is the image-text similarity score
probs = logits_per_image.softmax(dim=1)  # we can take the softmax to get the label probabilities


  • You can define your own distance between embeddings with contrastive learning
  • For generation, use a large LLM (trained on next word prediction)
  • RAG is the first method to try when you have to deal with company’s documents
  • … but RAG is not magic, retrieval requires a lot of work specific to each case

LLM adaptation

  • RAG is good to quickly build something, but you’ll eventually find it limited
  • Often need to adapt more precisely the embedders and LLM to your task/language/context/…
  • Issue: many questions are not semantically close to the answers (documents)
    • ex: What is AI?
  • Main options to adapt:
    • Prompt engineering
    • Finetuning
    • Integrate AI within soft. system:
      • AI as features computer
      • LLM agents
  • AI as features computer
    • AI is used as a black box to represent input sentences/speech/images/…
    • Each input is passed to AI model that outputs an embedding
    • This embedding is used as input to the rest of the software system
  • LLM agents
    • LLM controls (part of) the data flow
    • Tools/Function calling: LLMs call APIs
    • Code generation: LLMs generate (and execute) code
    • Planning: LLMs plan actions and orchestrate their execution
  • AI as features computer can be viewed as special case of finetuning:
    • X \(\rightarrow\) AI \(\rightarrow\) Embeddings \(\rightarrow\) Classifier
    • The AI module may be kept frozen
    • But the classifier must be trained on data:
      • It’s often best to further train backward into the AI model, but it’s much more costly


  • Finetuning = continue training the AI model on domain-specific data
    • The training objective may change (e.g., new image classification)
    • Or it may stay the same as pretraining (e.g., language modeling)
  • Pretraining \(\rightarrow\) Foundation models
  • Finetuning \(\rightarrow\) Domain-specific models
  • Why not just training a small model from scratch on the target domain?
    • Transfer learning: we expect to transfer capabilities from the generic AI to get a better target model
    • Small data: we often don’t have enough domain data to train a small model from scratch, but specializing the generic AI model usually requires few data
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) algorithm:
    • You need a training corpus \(C = \{x_i,y_i\}_{1\leq i\leq N}\)
    • Initialize the model’s parameters randomly: \(\theta_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\mu,\Sigma)\)
    • Forward pass: sample one example \(x_i \sim \mathcal{U}(C)\) and predict its output: \(\hat y=f_{\theta}(x_i)\)
    • Compute the loss = error made by the model: \[l(\hat y, y_i) = ||\hat y - y_i||^2\]
    • Backward pass: compute the gradient of the loss with respect to each parameter: \[\nabla l(\hat y, y_i) = \left[ \frac {\partial l(\hat y, y_i)}{\partial \theta_k}\right]\]
    • Update parameters: \(\theta_k \leftarrow \theta_k - \epsilon \frac {\partial l(\hat y, y_i)}{\partial \theta_k}\)
    • Iterate from the forward pass
  • Backpropagation algorithm (for the backward pass):
    • Compute the derivative of the loss wrt the output: \(\frac {\partial l(\hat y, y_i)}{\partial \theta_T}\)
    • Use the chain rule to deduce the derivative of the loss after the op just before: \[\frac {\partial l(\hat y, y_i)}{\partial \theta_{T-1}} = \frac {\partial l(\hat y, y_i)}{\partial \theta_T} \times \frac {\partial \theta_T}{\partial \theta_{T-1}}\]
    • Only requires to know the analytic derivative of each op individually
    • Iterate back to the input of the model

Motivation for PEFT

  • PEFT = Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning
  • It’s just finetuning, but cost-effective:
    • only few parameters are finetuned
    • cheaper to train
    • cheaper to distribute

When do we need finetuning?

  • Improve accuracy, adapt LLM behaviour
  • Finetuning use cases:
    • Follow instructions, chat…
    • Align with user preferences
    • Adapt to domain: healthcare, finance…
    • Improve on a target task
  • So finetuning is just training on more data?
  • Yes:
    • Same training algorithm (SGD)
  • No:
    • different hyperparms (larger learning rate…)
    • different type of data
      • higher quality, focused on task
    • far less training data, so much cheaper
    • not the same objective:
      • adaptation to domain/style/task/language…

Pretrained LLM compromise

  • Training an LLM is fundamentally a compromise:
    • training data mix: % code/FR/EN…
    • text styles: twitter/books/PhD…
  • Pretraining data mix defines where the LLM excels
  • Finetuning modifies this equilibrum to our need
  • The art of pretraining:
    • finding the balance that fits most target users’ expectation
    • finding the balance that maximizes the LLM’s capacities + adaptability
      • e.g., pretraining only on medical data gives lower performance even in healthcare, because of limited data size and lack of variety.
  • But for many specialized tasks, pretrained LLM does not give the best performance:
    • Finetuning adapts this compromise
  • So finetuning is required for many specialized domains:
    • enterprise documentations
    • medical, finance…
  • But it is costly to do for large LLMs:
    • collecting, curating, cleaning, formatting data
    • tracking training, preventing overfitting, limiting forgetting
    • large LLMs require costly hardware to train
  • For instance, finetuning LLama3.1-70b requires GPUs with approx. 1TB of VRAM
    • = 12x A100-80GB
  • Can’t we avoid finetuning at all, but still adapt the LLM to our task?

If the LLM good enough, no need to finetune?

  • Alternative: prompting
    • “Be direct and answer with short responses”
    • “Play like the World’s chess champion”
  • Alternative: memory/long context/RAG
    • “Adapt your answers to all my previous interactions with you”
  • Alternative: function calling
    • “Tell me about the events in July 2024”

Is it possible to get a good enough LLM?

  • more data is always best (even for SmolLM!)
  • So why not training the largest LLM ever on all data and use it everywhere?
    • Usage cost
    • Obsolescence
    • Data bottleneck
    • So far, not good enough for most cases!

  • Better approach (in 2024):
    • For each task (domain, language):
      • gather “few” data
      • adapt an LLM to the task
  • Because it is done multiple times, training costs become a concern
    • Parameter-efficient training (PEFT)

Which pretrained LLM to finetune?

  • Option 1: large LLM
    • benefit from best capacities
    • fine for not-so-much specialized tasks
    • high cost
  • Option 2: “small” LLM
    • fine for very specialized task
    • low cost
    • hype: small agent LLMs, smolLM
  • larger LLM \(\rightarrow\) less forgetting


  • Choose pretrained LLM
    • Depends on the task and expected performance, robustness…
  • Collect quality data
    • Finetuning data must be high quality!
  • Format data
    • Format similar to final task
    • FT on raw text may impact instruction following
  • Track & prevent overfitting, limit forgetting
  • Cost of finetuning may be high


  • Cost of inference << cost of finetuning
    • quantization: we don’t know (yet) how to finetune well quantized LLMs; so finetuning requires 16 or 32 bits
    • inference: no need to store all activations: compute each layer output from it’s input only
    • inference: no need to store gradients, momentum
  • Inference can be done with RAM = nb of parameters / 2
  • Full finetuning requires RAM = \(11\times\) nb of parameters (according to Eleuther-AI), \(12-20\times\) according to UMass
    • 1 parameter byte = +1B (gradient) + 2B (Adam optimizer state: 1st and 2nd gradient moments) (see next slide)
    • Can be reduced to \(\simeq 5\times\):
      • gradient checkpointing
      • special optimizers (1bitAdam, Birder…)
      • offloading…
  • Adam equations:
    • \(m^{(t)} = \beta_1 m^{(t-1)} + (1-\beta_1) \nabla L(\theta^{(t-1)})\)
    • \(v^{(t)} = \beta_2 v^{(t-1)} + (1-\beta_2) \left(\nabla L(\theta^{(t-1)})\right)^2\)
    • Bias correction:
      • \(\hat m^{(t)} = \frac {m^{(t)}}{1-\beta_1}\)
      • \(\hat v^{(t)} = \frac {v^{(t)}}{1-\beta_2}\)
    • \(\theta^{(t)} = \theta^{(t-1)} - \lambda\frac{\hat m^{(t)}} {\sqrt{\hat v^{(t)}} + \epsilon}\)
  • PEFT greatly reduce RAM requirements:
    • can keep LLM parameters frozen and quantized (qLoRA)
    • store gradients + momentum only in 1% of parameters
  • But:
    • still need to backpropagate gradients through the whole LLM and save all activations
    • with large data, PEFT underperforms full finetuning

VRAM usage

Method Bits 7B 13B 30B 70B 110B 8x7B 8x22B
Full 32 120GB 240GB 600GB 1200GB 2000GB 900GB 2400GB
Full 16 60GB 120GB 300GB 600GB 900GB 400GB 1200GB
LoRA/GaLore/BAdam 16 16GB 32GB 64GB 160GB 240GB 120GB 320GB
QLoRA 8 10GB 20GB 40GB 80GB 140GB 60GB 160GB
QLoRA 4 6GB 12GB 24GB 48GB 72GB 30GB 96GB
QLoRA 2 4GB 8GB 16GB 24GB 48GB 18GB 48GB

Training methods

Method data notes
Pretraining >10T Full training
Cont. pretr. \(\simeq 100\)b update: PEFT?
Finetuning 1k … 1b Adapt to task: PEFT
Few-Shot learning < 1k Guide, help the LLM


  • With enough compute, prefer full-finetuning
    • HF transformer, deepspeed, llama-factory, axolotl…
  • With 1 “small” GPU, go for PEFT
    • qLoRA…
  • Without any GPU: look for alternatives
    • Prompting, RAG…

PEFT methods

  • do not finetune all of the LLM parameters
  • finetune/train a small number of (additional) parameters


We’ll focus on a few

  • Additive finetuning: add new parameters
    • Adapter-based: sequential adapter
    • soft-prompt: prefix tuning
    • others: ladder-side-networks
  • Partial finetuning: modify existing parameters
    • Lottery-ticket sparse finetuning
  • Reparameterization finetuning: “reparameterize” weight matrices
    • qLoRA
  • Hybrid finetuning: combine multiple PEFT
    • manually: MAM, compacter, UniPELT
    • auto: AutoPEFT, S3Delta-M
  • Unified finetuning: unified framework
    • AdaMix: MoE of LoRA or adapters
    • SparseAdapter: prune adapters
    • ProPETL: share masked sub-nets

Sequential adapters

\[X=(RELU(X\cdot W_{down})) \cdot W_{up} + X\]


\[W_{down} \in R^{d\times k}~~~~W_{up} \in R^{k\times d}\]

  • Advantages:
  • Drawbacks:
    • Full backprop required
  • Interesting extensions
    • Parallel Adapter (parallel peft > sequential peft)
    • CoDA: skip tokens in the main branch, not in the parallel adapter
    • Tiny-Attention adapter: uses small attn as adapter
    • Adapter Fusion: (see next slide)
  • Train multiple adapters, then train fusion

Prefix tuning

  • Concat \(P_k,P_v \in R^{l\times d}\) before \(K,V\) \[head_i = Attn(xW_q^{(i)}, concat(P_k^{(i)},CW_k^{(i)}), concat(P_v^{(i)},CW_v^{(i)})\]
  • with \(C=\)context, \(l=\)prefix length
  • ICLR22 shows some form of equivalence:

  • Advantages:
    • More expressive than adapters, as it modifies every attention head
    • One of the best PEFT method at very small parameters budget
  • Drawbacks:
    • Does not benefit from increasing nb of parameters
    • Limited to attention head, while adapters may adapt FFN…
    • … and adapting FFN is always better

Performance comparison

qLoRA = LoRA + quantized LLM

  • Advantages:
    • de facto standard: supported in nearly all LLM frameworks
    • Many extensions, heavily developped, so good performances
    • can be easily merged back into the LLM
  • Drawbacks:
    • Full backprop required

Adapter lib v3

  • AdapterHubv3 integrates several family of adapters:
    • Bottleneck = sequential
    • Compacter = adapter with Kronecker prod to get up/down matrices
    • Parallel
    • Prefix, Mix-and-Match = combination Parallel + Prefix
  • Uniformisation of PEFT functions: add_adapter(), train_adapter()
  • heads after adapters: add_classification_head(), add_multiple_choice_head()
  • In HF lib, you can pre-load multiple adapters and select one active:
model.add_adapter(lora_config, adapter_name="adapter_1")
model.add_adapter(lora_config, adapter_name="adapter_2")


  • Advantages:
    • Do not backprop in the main LLM!
    • Only requires forward passes in the main LLM
  • Drawbacks:
    • LLM is just a “feature provider” to another model
    • \(\simeq\) enhanced “classification/generation head on top”
  • Forward pass can be done “layer by layer” with “pipeline parallelism”
    • load 1 layer \(L_i\) in RAM
    • pass the whole corpus \(y_i=L_i(x_i)\)
    • free memory and iterate with \(L_{i+1}\)
  • LST: done only once for the whole training session!

Partial finetuning

  • Add a linear layer on top and train it
    • LLM = features provider
  • You may further backprop gradients deeper in the top-N LLM layers
    • … Or just FT the top-N layers without any additional parameters
  • Simple, old-school, it usually works well
  • Fill the continuum between full FT and classifier head FT:
    • can FT top 10%, 50%, 80% params
    • or FT bottom 10%, 50% params
    • or FT intermediate layers / params
    • or apply a sparse mask?

Lottery-ticket sparse finetuning

  • Lottery Ticket Hypothesis:
    • Each neural network contains a sub-network (winning ticket) that, if trained again in isolation, matches the performance of the full model.

  • Advantages:
    • Can remove 90% parameters nearly without loss in performances (on image tasks)
  • Drawbacks:
    • Impossible to find the winning mask without training first the large model
  • can be applied to sparse FT

  • FT an LLM on specific task/lang

  • extract the mask = params that change most

  • rewind the LLM and re-FT with mask

  • sparse finetunes can be combined without overlapping!


  • Various PEFT methods:
    • Reduce model storage? RAM requirements?
    • Require backprop through the LLM?
    • Additional inference cost?

Finetuning (PEFT or full): advantages

  • greatly improve performances on a target task, language, domain
  • dig knowledge up to the surface, ready to use
  • give the LLM desirable capacities: instruction-following, aligned with human preferences…

Finetuning (PEFT or full): drawbacks

Memorization, forgetting

Pretraining and FT use same basic algorithm (SGD), but the differences in data size lead to differences in training regimes.

  • Difference in scale:
    • Pretraining ingests trillions of tokens
    • Finetuning uses up to millions of tokens
  • This leads to differences in regimes / behaviour:
    • Pretraining learns new information
    • Finetuning exhumes information it already knows

Why such a difference in regimes?

  • Because of the way SGD works:
    • When it sees one piece of information, it partially stores it in a few parameters
    • But not enough to retrieve it later!
    • When it sees it again, it accumulates it in its weights \(\rightarrow\) Memorization
    • If it never sees it again, it will be overriden \(\rightarrow\) Forgetting
  • Finetuning hardly learns new knowledge:
    • small data \(\rightarrow\) not enough exposure
    • Why not repeat 1000x the finetuning dataset?
  • Because previous knowledge will be forgotten!

Why doesn’t pretraining forget?

  • It does!
  • But by shuffling the dataset, each information is repeated all along training
  • So how to add new knowledge?
    • continued pretraining: replay + new data
    • RAG, external knowledge databases
    • LLM + tools (e.g., web search)
    • knowledge editing (see ROME, MEND…)

Take home message

  • PEFT is used to adapt to a domain, not to add knowledge
  • RAG/LLM agents are used to add knowledge (but not at scale)


Prompt engineering

  • Prompt = input (text) to the LLM
    • composed of: system prompt, context, instructions, query, dialogue history, tools…
  • A lot can be done without finetuning, just by changing the prompt
  • The prompt depends on the model type:
    • Foundation model: “text continuation” type of prompt; think as if it’s a web page
    • Instruct LLM: add instructions
    • Chat LLM: add dialogue history
    • Coder LLM: add pieces of code…
  • Relies on In-Context Learning capability
- Vanilla prompting
- Chain-of-thought (CoT)
- Self-consistency
- Ensemble refinment
- Automatic chain-of-thought (Auto-CoT)
- Complex CoT
- Program-of-thoughts (PoT)
- Least-to-Most
- Chain-of-Symbols (CoS)
- Structured Chain-of-Thought (SCoT)
- Plan-and-solve (PS)
- MathPrompter
- Contrastive CoT/Contrastive self-consistency
- Federated Same/Different Parameter self-consistency/CoT
- Analogical reasoning
- Synthetic prompting
- Tree-of-toughts (ToT)
- Logical Thoughts (LoT)
- Maieutic Prompting
- Verify-and-edit
- Reason + Act (ReACT)
- Active-Prompt
- Thread-of-thought (ThOT)
- Implicit RAG
- System 2 Attention (S2A)
- Instructed prompting
- Chain-of-Verification (CoVe)
- Chain-of-Knowledge (CoK)
- Chain-of-Code (CoC)
- Program-Aided Language Models (PAL)
- Binder
- Dater
- Chain-of-Table
- Decomposed Prompting (DeComp)
- Three-Hop reasoning (THOR)
- Metacognitive Prompting (MP)
- Chain-of-Event (CoE)
- Basic with Term definitions
- Basic + annotation guideline + error-analysis
  • lists the best prompting techniques for every possible NLP task.

Prompt engineering

  • It’s the process/workflow to design a prompt:
    • define tasks
    • write prompts
    • test prompts
    • evaluate results
    • refine prompts; iterate from step 3

Template of prompt

You are a [insert a persona, such as a "math teacher" or "automotive expert"]. Your task is to...

To complete the task, you need to follow these steps:

------------- Optional Components ------------

Dos and don'ts for the following aspects
1. Dos
2. Don'ts

The provided context

The output format must be

Here we provide some examples:
1. Example #1

Re-emphasize the key aspects of the prompt, especially the constraints, output format, etc.

Best practices

  • Do not start from scratch, better use a template or example of prompt
  • the role/persona is important:
    • It can be used to generate synthetic data
    • To get variable outputs, much better to change the persona than generate with beam search
  • may use prefixes for simple prompts:
Classify the OBJECTS.

- Large
- Small
- Rhino
- Mouse
- Snail
- Elephant
  • may use XML or JSON for complex prompts

Few-Shot Learning

  • Add a few examples of the task in the prompt
  • requires large enough LLM
  • few-shot examples are mainly used to define the format, not the content!

Ask for explanations

What is the most likely interpretation of this sentence? Explain your reasoning. The sentence: “The chef seasoned the chicken and put it in the oven because it looked pale.”

  • Llama3.1-7b: “[…] the chef thought the chicken was undercooked or not yet fully cooked due to its pale appearance […]”

CoT workflow

  • break the pb into steps
  • find good prompt for each step in isolation
  • tweak the steps to work well together
  • enhance with finetuning:
    • generate synthetic samples to tune each step
    • finetune small LLMs on these samples

CoT for complex tasks

Extract the main issues and sentiments from the customer feedback on our telecom services.
Focus on comments related to service disruptions, billing issues, and customer support interactions.
Please format the output into a list with each issue/sentiment in a sentence, separated by semicolon.

Classify the extracted issues into categories such as service reliability, pricing concerns, customer support quality, and others.
Please organize the output into JSON format with each issue as the key, and category as the value.

Generate detailed recommendations for each category of issues identified from the feedback.
Suggest specific actions to address service reliability, improving customer support, and adjusting pricing models, if necessary.
Please organize the output into a JSON format with each category as the key, and recommendation as the value.


CoT for simpler tasks

CoT requires large models:


  • Self-consistency greatly improves CoT prompting
  • For one (CoT prompts, question) input, sample multiple outputs
  • take majority vote among outputs

Analogical prompting

  • Few-Shot with self-generated examples:

ReAct prompting

  • Principle: Ask the LLM to interleave multiple steps of reasoning and actions
  • Workflow:
    • First devise few-shot examples
    • Adapt a SOTA ReAct prompt
    • Test, evaluation, iterate
  • ReAct prompt decomposition:
    • Primary instruction: “Solve a question answering task…”
    • ReAct steps: “… with interleaving Thought, Action, Observation steps”
    • Reasoning: “Thought can reason about the current situation”
    • Actions: “Actions can be of three types: Search[entity], which searches…; Lookup[keyword], which returns the next sentence containing keyword in the current passage; Finish[answer], which returns the answer and finished the task”
  • ReAct few-shot examples:
Question What is the elevation range for the area that the eastern sector of the
Colorado orogeny extends into?
Thought 1 I need to search Colorado orogeny, find the area that the eastern sector
of the Colorado orogeny extends into, then find the elevation range of the
Action 1 Search[Colorado orogeny]
Observation 1 The Colorado orogeny was an episode of mountain building (an orogeny) in
Colorado and surrounding areas.
Thought 2 It does not mention the eastern sector. So I need to look up eastern
Action 2 Lookup[eastern sector]
Observation 2 (Result 1 / 1) The eastern sector extends into the High Plains and is called
the Central Plains orogeny.
Thought 3 The eastern sector of Colorado orogeny extends into the High Plains. So I
need to search High Plains and find its elevation range.

Aside from the Apple Remote, what other devices can control the program Apple Remote was originally designed to interact with?

Examples of prompts

Prompt tuning: DSPy

  • DSPy uses LM-driven optimizers to tune prompts and weights
  • DSPy concepts:
    • LLMs are blackboxes with inputs/outputs described in English
    • program = LLMs connected together/used by a program
    • compiler = try to find the best prompts

DSPy compilers

  • LabeledFewShot: sample randomly examples from training set and add them as demos (few-shots) in the prompt
  • BootstrapFewShot:
    • create Teacher program = run LabeledFewShot on the Student program
    • Evaluate teacher on the train set, keeping when it’s correct
    • Add the kept demos as few-shot

Basic usage of DSPy

  • launch an LLM provider, e.g., ollama
import dspy
lm = dspy.LM(model="ollama/qwen2.5", api_base="http://localhost:11434")
qa = dspy.Predict('question: str -> response: str')
response = qa(question="what are high memory and low memory on linux?")
  • What is a typical prompt used for Chain of Thought?
cot = dspy.ChainOfThought('question -> response')
res = cot(question="should curly braces appear on their own line?")
  • Let’s evaluate on a MATH benchmark:
from dspy.datasets import MATH

dataset = MATH(subset='algebra')
dev =[0:10]
example = dataset.train[0]
print("Question:", example.question)
print("Answer:", example.answer)

module = dspy.ChainOfThought("question -> answer")

evaluate = dspy.Evaluate(devset=dev, metric=dataset.metric)

Practical session: RAG optimization

  • Prompt engineering = manual prompt optimization
  • Auto-prompt optimization: DSPy, AdalFlow…
  • Components that can be optimized:
    • System prompt (CoT)
    • Few-shot examples
    • LLM parameters…

Implementing a RAG with DSPy; required imports:

import dspy
from dspy.teleprompt import BootstrapFewShot
from dspy.datasets import HotPotQA
from dspy.evaluate import Evaluate
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
import pandas as pd
from dspy.evaluate.evaluate import Evaluate
  • Get database of biological documents:
passages0 = pd.read_parquet("hf://datasets/rag-datasets/rag-mini-bioasq/data/passages.parquet/part.0.parquet")
test = pd.read_parquet("hf://datasets/rag-datasets/rag-mini-bioasq/data/test.parquet/part.0.parquet")
passages = passages0[0:20]
  • Build a retriever on these passages:
class RetrievalModel(dspy.Retrieve):
    def __init__(self, passages):
        self.passages = passages
        self.passages["valid"] = self.passages.passage.apply(lambda x: len(x.split(' ')) > 20)
        self.passages = self.passages[self.passages.valid]
        self.passages = self.passages.reset_index()
        for i,x in enumerate(self.passages.passage.tolist()):
        self.model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
        self.passage_embeddings = self.model.encode(self.passages.passage.tolist())

    def __call__(self, query, k):
        query_embedding = self.model.encode(query)
        similarities = self.model.similarity(query_embedding, self.passage_embeddings).numpy() # cosine similarities
        top_indices = similarities[0, :].argsort()[::-1][:k] # pick TopK documents having highest cosine similarity
        response = self.passages.loc[list(top_indices)]
        response = response.passage.tolist()
        return [dspy.Prediction(long_text= psg)  for psg in response]

rm = RetrievalModel(passages)
  • Test retriever:
qq = "Which cell may suffer from anemia?"
  • Add the generator LLM:
llm = dspy.LM(model="ollama/qwen2.5:0.5b", api_base="http://localhost:11434")
print("llm ok")
  • Define the RAG module:
class GenerateAnswer(dspy.Signature):
    """Answer questions with short factoid answers."""
    context = dspy.InputField(desc="may contain relevant facts")
    question = dspy.InputField()
    answer = dspy.OutputField(desc="often between 1 and 5 words")

class RAG(dspy.Module):
    def __init__(self, num_passages=2):
        self.retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k=num_passages)
        self.generate_answer = dspy.ChainOfThought(GenerateAnswer)
    def forward(self, question):
        context = self.retrieve(question).passages
        prediction = self.generate_answer(context=context, question=question)
        return dspy.Prediction(context=context, answer=prediction.answer)
  • Test your RAG:
rag = RAG()
pred = rag(qq)
print(f"Question: {qq}")
print(f"Predicted Answer: {pred.answer}")
print(f"Retrieved Contexts (truncated): {[c[:200] + '...' for c in pred.context]}")
  • Build a train and dev set:
dataset = []
for index, row in test.iterrows():
    dataset.append(dspy.Example(question=row.question, answer=row.answer).with_inputs("context", "question"))
trainset, devset = dataset[:4], dataset[17:20]
  • Define an evaluation metric:
def validate_context_and_answer(example, pred, trace=None):
    answer_EM = dspy.evaluate.answer_exact_match(example, pred)
    answer_PM = dspy.evaluate.answer_passage_match(example, pred)
    return answer_EM and answer_PM
  • Evaluate quantitatively your RAG:
valuate_on_devset = Evaluate(devset=devset, num_threads=1, display_progress=True, display_table=10)
evalres = evaluate_on_devset(rag, metric=validate_context_and_answer)
print(f"Evaluation Result: {evalres}")
  • Add few-shot samples automatically sampled/optimised from the train set:
teleprompter = BootstrapFewShot(metric=validate_context_and_answer, max_bootstrapped_demos=2, max_labeled_demos=2)
compiled_rag = teleprompter.compile(rag, trainset=trainset)
evalres = evaluate_on_devset(compiled_rag, metric=validate_context_and_answer)
print(f"Evaluation Result: {evalres}")
  • TODO:
    • run these steps one after the other, and check how the LLM prompt changes
    • define a metric that favours short answers and optimize your prompts accordingly
    • implement multi-hop RAG in DSPy (see next slides)
  • Multi-hop RAG is when decomposing a single RAG query into multiple steps
  • The following code shows using a vector-DB
  • TODO: in the following code:
    • add the LLM with Ollama
    • add both missing DSPy signatures
    • add more phones from the “Amazon Reviews: Unlocked Mobile Phones” Kaggle dataset
    • execute the code
  • Multi-hop RAG draft:
import dspy
from dsp.utils import deduplicate
from dspy.teleprompt import BootstrapFewShot
from dspy.retrieve.qdrant_rm import QdrantRM
from qdrant_client import QdrantClient

formatted_list = ["Phone Name: HTC Desire 610 8GB Unlocked GSM 4G LTE Quad-Core Android 4.4 Smartphone - Black (No Warranty)\nReview: The phone is very good , takes very sharp pictures but the screen is not bright'",
        "Phone Name: Apple iPhone 6, Space Gray, 128 GB (Sprint)\nReview: I am very satisfied with the purchase, i got my iPhone 6 on time and even received a screen protectant with a charger. Thank you so much for the iPhone 6, it was worth the wait.",
client = QdrantClient(":memory:")
def add_documents(client, collection_name, formatted_list, batch_size=10):
    for i in range(0, len(formatted_list), batch_size):
        batch = formatted_list[i:i + batch_size]
        batch_ids = list(range(i + 1, i + 1 + len(batch)))
        print(f"Batch {i // batch_size + 1} added with {len(batch)} documents.")
add_documents(client, "phone_collection", formatted_list)

qdrant_retriever_model = QdrantRM("phone_collection", client)
dspy.settings.configure(lm= llm, rm=qdrant_retriever_model)

class Multihoprag(dspy.Module):
    def __init__(self, passages_per_hop=3, max_hops=2):
        self.generate_query = [dspy.ChainOfThought(GenerateSearchQuery) for _ in range(max_hops)]
        self.retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k=passages_per_hop)
        self.generate_answer = dspy.ChainOfThought(GenerateAnswer)
        self.max_hops = max_hops

    def forward(self, question):
        context = []
        for hop in range(self.max_hops):
            query = self.generate_query[hop](context=context, question=question).query
            passages = self.retrieve(query).passages
            context = deduplicate(context + passages)
        pred = self.generate_answer(context=context, question=question)
        return dspy.Prediction(context=context, answer=pred.answer)

trainset_list = [
    "Question": "Which phones have the best camera quality and battery life based on recent reviews and specifications?",
    "Answer": "Here's a list of phones that meet your criteria:\n\n1. Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra\n2. Google Pixel 6 Pro\n3. Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max\n4. OnePlus 9 Pro\n5. Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra\n\nNotes: These phones were picked based on their high ratings for camera quality and long-lasting battery life, as reported by recent reviews and detailed specifications."
    "Question": "What are the top-rated phones with the best display and performance in the market right now?",
    "Answer": "Here's a list of phones that meet your criteria:\n\n1. Samsung Galaxy S22\n2. Apple iPhone 14 Pro\n3. OnePlus 10 Pro\n\nNotes: These phones were selected because they have received excellent reviews for their display clarity and performance speed, making them ideal for users seeking high-quality visuals and efficient processing."
    "Question": "Can you recommend phones that have the best user interface and build quality according to recent user reviews?",
    "Answer": "Here's a list of phones that meet your criteria:\n\n1. Nokia 8.3 5G\n2. Sony Xperia 1 III\n\nNotes: These phones were chosen due to their outstanding user interface design and robust build quality, which have been highly praised in recent user reviews and expert evaluations."
trainset = [dspy.Example(question=item["Question"], answer=item["Answer"]).with_inputs('question') for item in trainset_list]

# metric function that prefers short and non-repetitive answers
def validate_answer_and_hops(example, pred, trace=None):
    # if not validate(pred.answer == example.answer): return False
    hops = [example.question] + [outputs.query for *_, outputs in trace if 'query' in outputs]
    if max([len(h) for h in hops]) > 100: return False
    if any(dspy.evaluate.answer_exact_match_str(hops[idx], hops[:idx], frac=0.8) for idx in range(2, len(hops))): return False
    return True

teleprompter = BootstrapFewShot(metric=validate_answer_and_hops, )
uncompiled_rag = Multihoprag()
compiled_rag = teleprompter.compile(student=uncompiled_rag, trainset= trainset)

print(uncompiled_rag("Which smartphones are highly rated for its low-light camera performance also have a great front camera"))

print(compiled_rag("Which smartphones are highly rated for its low-light camera performance also have a great front camera"))

Hallucinations and function calling

  • Hallucination = sentence generated by the LLM that is not factually correct
  • Due to the probabilistic nature of generation:
    • Sentences occur usually only once in the training dataset
    • So the LLM learns to generate never seen before sentences, based on proba of next words
    • So hallucinations are not a bug, they’re a feature!
  • But they can be reduced:
    • alignment post-training: train the LLM to answer “I don’t know”
      • It’s a tradeoff btw always answering “I don’t know” vs. always answering something
    • rely on external tools:
      • RAG
      • function calling
  • And they can be detected (and handled):
    • use an external tool to check the answer
    • use another critic LLM to assess the truthfulness
    • use LLM ensembles
    • use the same LLM to ensemble or critic itself: self-consistency, self-critic
    • the LLM might know when it’s correct: probe “truthfulness” neurons/latent representations, check output likelihood (see Carlini’s work)

Tool usage

  • Also known as “function calling”
  • Requirement at the basis of “LLM agents”

LLM agents

  • LLM agents = one or multiple LLMs collaborating together and with external tools
    • relies on function calling, planner/reasoner, code writer (see Dynasaur)
  • Acknowledge that LLM cannot do everything well, so delegate specific tasks to dedicated tools:
    • web search, calculator, logic reasoner…
  • Often also requires planning:
    • An LLM decomposes a complex problem into subtasks (= plan)
    • It then assigns the subtasks to other LLMs
    • It collect their outputs and iterate or give the final answer

Practice: choice of library

There exist several libraries to manipulate LLM. The one you shall choose mainly depends on two factors: your target task, and your available hardware. You can find below a small selection of libraries grouped by task. Of course, there exist several other powerful libraries for LLMs, but these are the most common ones as of August 2024. Thereafter, we will focus on the ollama library.

Inference libraries

  • HF transformers: the reference/swiss-army-knife library for LLMs
  • torchchat: enables running LLMs on servers and mobiles
  • llama.cpp: core library used for fast inference locally
  • ollama: easy-to-use for personal usage
  • vllm: designed to serve multiple users
  • llamafiles: efficient on CPU, low-resources
  • Lightning/litserve: highly customizable, a bit lower level

Finetuning libraries

  • HF transformers
  • Lightning
  • axolotl
  • llama-factory
  • ms-swift

Pretraining libraries

  • HF transformers
  • Lightning
  • DeepSpeed
  • Megatron deepspeed
  • GPT-NeoX


ollama is designed to be easy to use locally to try out open source LLMs. with just one or a few commands, it downloads a quantized LLM locally and launch an OpenAI-compatible server, which you may interact with using one of the many of the available chatGPT-compatible clients. (Personal note: my preferred client is quite geeky, pure linux command-line: mods). Ollama also gives simple command-line scripts to immediatly start chatting with the LLM, without any server. As of August 2024, it’s one of the preferred way to quickly start using an LLM.

Q1: Use Llama3.1 locally with ollama

  • Install ollama locally: follow the instructions at
  • Check that you can start chatting with Llama3.1-7b-chat:
ollama run llama3.1
  • Note: if you have less than 4GB of RAM, you may want to use a smaller model, like gemma2b, or tinydolphin.
ollama run gemma2:2b
  • If nothing works, you may run your commands on a free google colab tier.
  • Optional Exercice: Ask for a summary of some text file by prepending the string “Summarize this file:” to the actual file content
  • Note that the result is very sensitive to the prompt you use: try with various prompts (be creative!) and observe the differences.

Q2: Use Llama3.1 to interact with tools

Any LLM is limited to the knowledge it has been trained on (and so its date cutoff), and to only interact through text. A major trend mid-2024 is to let LLMs interact with external tools, such as a calculator, a web search engine, a python script execution sandbox… The underlying principle is to finetune the LLM to generate a special structured text format, where the LLM writes the ID of some external tool and its arguments. Then, the program that is calling the LLM can interpret this structured text format and execute the call to the actual external tool specified. Then, we can continue our conversation with the LLM by feeding it with the answer from the tool.

One important missing part: before doing all this, you must give ollama a list of available external tools that can be used. This is done by installing the ollama pip library, which enables you tou call ollama in python and define one python method for each tool.

Important: When listing the tools/python methods for ollama, it’s important to clearly describe what each method is doing as well as each of its arguments in plain English, as the LLM will decide to call a given tool based on its description!

Let’s now put in into practice:

  • Here is a code snippet that shows you how to chat with Llama3.1 and makes it use a tool. In this case, the tool is a simple function that queries a free website for headline news for a requested country:
import ollama
import requests
import json

messages = [{'role': 'user', 'content': 'What is the main news right now in the USA?'}]

def getnews(c):
    if c=='france': s='fr'
    elif c=='india': s='in'
    elif c=='usa': s='us'
    elif c=='australia': s='au'
    elif c=='russia': s='ru'
    elif c=='united kingdom': s='gb'
        print("unknown country",c)
    print("calling fct")
    response = requests.get(url)
    res = response.text
    print("tool res",res)

    r=n['articles'][0]['title']+": "+n['articles'][0]['content']
    print("extracting news",r,"\n"*3)
    return r

def main():
    response =
            'type': 'function',
            'function': {
              'name': 'getnews',
              'description': 'Get recent news from a country',
              'parameters': {
                'type': 'object',
                'properties': {
                    'country': {
                        'type': 'string',
                        'description': 'The name of the country',
                'required': ['country'],

    # Add the model's response to the conversation history
    print("first answer",response['message'])

    # Check if the model decided to use the provided function
    if not response['message'].get('tool_calls'):
        print("The model didn't use the function. Its response was:")

    # Process function calls made by the model
    if response['message'].get('tool_calls'):
        available_functions = {
          'getnews': getnews,
        for tool in response['message']['tool_calls']:
          function_to_call = available_functions[tool['function']['name']]
          function_response = function_to_call(tool['function']['arguments']['country'])
          # Add function response to the conversation
              'role': 'tool',
              'content': function_response,

    # Second API call: Get final response from the model
    final_response ='llama3.1', messages=messages)


# adapted from
  • Test this code, requesting top news from several countries, and ensure that the LLM does indeed make a call to the news scrapper and does not hallucinate fake news.
  • Add another for the current weather: I recommend
  • Add another tool of your liking: be creative!
  • Modify the code so that multiple news, instead of the first news only, are passed to the LLM.

Randomness and noise

  • Uncertainty: from the data vs. from the model
    • estimating output distributions: DMN, bayesian inference
    • multiple runs
    • ensembling
    • conformal predictions
  • Random seeds
    • shall we use seeds or not?
      • yes for debugging
      • no for evaluation
    • practical concerns with seeds
  • Various types of “noise”:
    • data sampling noise = not the true distrib = pb of generalization
    • quantization noise = noise on parameters
    • regularization noise = during training
      • dropout
    • estimates of metrics: confidence intervals
  • “noise in ouputs” = variety in generation:
    • sampling
    • beamsearch, greedy, global vs. local generation
    • personas

debug model: