Bringing research papers, datasets and peer reviews to a larger network of federated social platforms, with no vendor lock-in and on a platform you can host and control.

Showcasing your work, and discussing it
Be seen by your peers, review your work exclusively with them or get comments from users of the wider federated networks. Your research is not siloted anymore.
Publish and nourrish
Your scientific work is not frozen anymore: people can comment (withLaTeXif they want!) specific parts of your datasets, and do so with other scientists and citizens of the fediverse.
Scientific watch
OLKi helps you keep an eye on recent publications from major platforms or from any server running OLKi. Get notified when new papers matching rich criteria get published.
OLKi is free, libre software that you can install on your own server, operate and modify independently. The project itself, while lead by LORIA, is developped in the open and willing to integrate external contributors in the decision loop.
Join us in on our issue tracker or during our bi-monthly group sessions!
Reference from anywhere
Enrich your experience reviewing research corpora: you can reference specific parts of a dataset from OLKi or any textual federated platform. Your work on OLKi is referenceable too, of course.
Standard protocols are used to ensure compatibility between OLKi servers, but also with existing dataset/publication repositories and tools. Did we say that there is no vendor lock-in?
Run your own server
Join the network of OLKi platforms, and help your researchers get access to tools, feedback, and their peers' work. You only host your own users and the metadata of the content that they subscribe to, which means it's quite scalable and resource-efficient.